
Read more about the 2024-2025 Go Big Read selection, Sitting Pretty, below. We will share resources for teaching and engaging with the text in the near future.

About the Book

2024-2025 Author & Book Information

Media and Press Releases

‘Sitting Pretty: The View from My Ordinary Resilient Disabled Body’ chosen as 2024-25 Go Big Read book 

Kansas City’s NPR Interview (KCUR)

Kansas Public Radio

National Endowment for the Arts Book Summary and Discussion Questions

Facilitating Book Discussions

2024-2025 materials coming soon!

Curriculum Support Materials

Cooperative Children’s Book Center Reading List — Lived Disability Experiences: Books for Children and Teens

More 2024-2025 materials coming soon!

Marketing Toolkit

Go Big Read Marketing Toolkit – Reusable images for the program

Still have a question or need additional materials or resources? Feel free to reach out to the Go Big Read program at