Kathleen Dunn talks to Rebecca Skloot on WPR

June 17, 2010

Earlier this month on the Go Big Read Blog, we let you know that Rebecca Skloot was going to WPR with Kathleen Dunn. Dunn concentrates on the book and author in the first half, asking Skloot questions about the writing the book and her relationship with the Lacks family. Listeners then get a chance to call on so Skloot can expound on some confusing and complicated issues that arise out of story, like the relationship between minorities and medicine, the evolution and consequences of informed consent and the tricky business of donor reimbursement. Towards the end of the interview Dunn mentions Oprah is interested in making a HBO movie based on Henrietta’s life. Skloot explains that the production crew will include input Skloot and Lacks family, which is really exciting for everyone. For more brief summary of the movie news, check out Skloot’s blog, Culture Dish. Dunn’s is brief interview explores a wide range of subjects related to The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks that will get anyone excited.