Skloot Review Books Available for Course Instructors

April 14, 2010

Last week, we announced next year’s Go Big Read Selection, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. We think the book has broad appeal and has the potential to spark many interesting debates. Also, our student, faculty and staff reviewers all thought it was an engaging read.

We have heard course instructor feedback about making review copies available sooner and we have an early shipment available for this purpose. You have two choices for getting a review copy of the book:

1. If you know you will be using the book in your 2010/2011 course, fill out the online request form now . We will immediately send you a review copy via campus mail and set aside books for all the students in your course. If you have TAs, we can provide review copies for them, as well. We’ll also work with Enrollment Management to get the information about the book (free!) onto
your textbook list.

2. If you need to read the book before committing to using it in your course, we’re happy to send you a review copy first. Just email us and let us know your name, campus address, and what course you’re considering using the book for. You have until 7/1/2010 to fill out the form for a fall course.

Please feel free to share this post with colleagues who you think might be interested.