Currently Accepting Book Nominations About Innovation

January 10, 2012

Planning has already begun for next year’s Go Big Read program! Chancellor David Ward has selected the theme of “Innovation” for 2012-2013.

With that in mind, we need your help! Go Big Read’s book selection committe is now accepting nominations for work of fiction and nonfiction that connect to or inspire innovation. The deadline to submit a title for consideration for the 2012-13 program is Friday, February 3.

Have you ever wondered what kind of criteria helps the committee choose titles? Nominated books should promote enjoyment of reading by being readable, relevant, and engaging, incorporate sufficient depth and scope to promote sustained discussion of different points of view, and appeal to individuals from a variety of backgrounds. Nominated books should also have cross-disciplinary flexibility that can tie into a variety of campus activities and programming.

While the committee will sift through the nominations, the chancellor will make the final selection.

Click here to submit a title for the 2012-2013 Go Big Read program!